A fake plant in a pot

Hi, I’m Sean. I’m a software engineer and aspiring designer.

I want to create tools that assist people in doing more of what they want to do. I have an interest in tools that are non-distracting, follow existing domain-specific conventions, and take up as little of users’ headspace as possible.

I want what I make to be useful to everyone, especially those who are often overlooked by mainstream technology.


If you’d like to reach out, here are the things I’m most interested in at the moment:

Engineering, design, or consulting opportunities. I am currently employed, so I’m mostly interested contributing to passion projects, open-source projects, or projects with no conflicts of interest. Reach out ▸

Tiny website or app design. I’m always trying to try out new technologies, and small projects are great practice for me, and in these case I often enjoy getting paid in experience and exposure. If you have an idea for a 1-3 page website or web app that you’d like built, please reach out and I’ll let you know if it’s a fit. Reach out ▸

IRL meetups. If you’re in NYC and think we might have some common interests, common experiences, or mutuals, I’d love to say hi in person! Reach out ▸

Talking about my previous experiences. There’s a lot I wish I knew before I started many of my past experiences, and I’m more than happy to pay it forward. Reach out ▸

Other things? I am more likely to say yes if we have at least something vaguely in common, including any of the above. If you’re not sure, feel free to ask! I am currently responding to all incoming mail and the worst I can do is say no. Reach out ▸

Last updated 2024-05-13.